Friday, January 23, 2009

"Research" Paper

Would you stay in the room if a large spider was in it?:
yeah sooooooonn
id have a mad nice intellectual conversation with it share stories and drink some tea with that niggah

For my Intro to Psych class, I'm writing a term paper about the relationships between my siblings and me, and how our parents have affected us, or not affected us, in a couple of good cases.
It's supposed to be about 10 pages long and I have about two to three weeks to finish it by. I think I'm going to start jotting down notes in my spare time.

My brother is close to four years younger than me and my sister was born when I was five and a half years old. As far as I can tell, that's a pretty big gap for most families in terms of sibling closeness. If my brother means the world to me, then my sister is more important to my well-being than oxygen.


  1. I am following your RSS feed, but that seems to be acting up as of late. (Probably a local problem.) Why does your blog not have a "follow this blog" thing like some others I have seen?

  2. Mine too.

    And I have no idea. I can look into it.
